星期一, 11月 20, 2006

wenn ich ein Entscheidungsträger wäre!

Womit kann man am besten Zeit verschwenden?
kurz gefasst:
Versuch nicht, die schwierige Probleme, die mit der Personalpolitik zu tun haben, loszulassen.
Versuch doch, endlose Treffen anzustalten, um diese Probleme lösen können vorzutäuschen.

Wenn ich ein Entscheidungsträger wäre!
Alas !

星期一, 11月 13, 2006

身體的意義演繹得出來?是 Sascha 說的嗎?

和 Fisch 忙裡偷閒去國家劇院看了 Sascha Waltz 的 Körper。

「繼 90年代的碧娜鮑許 (Pina Bausch) 後,進入21世紀最受注目的現代舞蹈家」。



倒是有一幕 Yes/No 的矩陣編排,讓我印象深刻。舞形與人聲的交錯,從簡單到複雜,然後複雜到眼、耳與大腦都無法跟上,但是又確知它們的規律仍在、複雜度還未停止時,WOW,過癮。

To be a polyglot is alluring

To be a polyglot is alluring to some people, including myself.
I used to believe that taking the linguistic knowledge as the drug would ease the pain during the learning (or better: acquisition) process.

Do theories of SLA (second language acquisition) help? Are linguistic typological knowledge useful for leaning a new language? How about phonological, syntactical, and semantic knolwdge? How can they be "packaged" systematically, so that we can go further without much pain along the way of becoming a polyglot? In addition to linguistic perspectives on SLA, would the tools and resources proposed and developed by computational linguists do good to SLA in practice as well? How?

Muddled suddently, lots of works to do.

星期二, 11月 07, 2006

